Book excerpts - Intro to Ch4: Understanding drama as a social technology
The history of drama.
Drama was acknowledged as a valuable growth instrument three thousand years ago. But, after contributing to the Greek empire's formation, it was quickly hijacked, transformed, and exploited as an instrument of control, power, and ignorance.
This chapter is an in-depth observation of drama as a powerful yet delicate social technology - that, in good hands, creates infinite prosperity and upskilling. But in proximity to malevolence or insisted ignorance, it will default into a means of oppression.
When dramas are used to conceal lacunas instead of revealing them, we end up hypnotized and numb instead of engaged and empowered.
In today's informed, personalized, and drama-induced world, advanced forms of social collaboration and co-creation, such as democracy or commonwealth and enlightenment, are easily compromised by drama.