This substack is all about dramas and innovation. So, if you are an innovator or experiencing drama during innovation, this green button is for you.

Dramas are the most prevalent, and least acknowledged constraint of innovations. But they are not all bad. 

When attended mindfully, dramas are an incredible compass for high-impact learning and development and self-improved innovation operations. 

The trick is to quickly identify what things need to get done first so that we can avoid getting stuck later. If we do so without adding unnecessary tensions and conflicts, creativity, efficiency, and impact fuse and inspire everyone to innovate faster and better. 

  1. Receive weekly excerpts from the book The Innovators Drama.

  2. Learn how to use the Things To Be Done framework to translate wicked problems into high-impact transformations. 

  3. Enhance agility through awareness of dramas 

  4. Master dramas instead of being enslaved by them. 

  5. Identify critical constraints to transformation, growth, and lean prosperity.

  6. Join special discussions, talks, and training sessions

  7. Use drama as a catalyst for innovation instead of an obstacle to progress. 

Subscribe to The Innovators Drama

I publish chapters from my book - The Innovators Drama. As well as posts, discussions, webinars, and tutorials on drama as a valuable social technology ...


Serial disrupteneur. Professional Innovation management mentor, adviser, and coach. Streamlining innovation efforts on the way to leaner prosperities.